
Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Norwex Story

Recently I was asked to share my Norwex story with my team. Here is an excerpt of my story & where it all began. 

Until now most people did not know the depths of my Norwex story. It was August 2013 I had just lost my job, my son had recently been diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder (on top of all ready being in speech therapy), my husband’s department was reorganizing & to top it all we were about to make a very tough decision in regards to my best friend & fur baby (my dog) & every effort I was making to start a new job was failing. To say that I was at a low point in my life was an understatement. I was having constant anxiety/panic attacks.

My husband had recently returned from a trip to Minnesota, where Emily Elg had “taught him how to properly clean a window” with the Norwex polishing cloth. He had been talking about it for weeks & wanted us to purchase the household package because he knew how much I dreaded cleaning. We did not have $48.99 to spend on ANYTHING, let alone “these cloths that MAY work to clean our house & save us money”. (6 months earlier I had heard of Norwex from my sister in law & gave the catalog back after looking at the packages & told her she was crazy & I was broke!)  I thought my husband was off his rocker & I knew he did not want me in direct sales again.

Then I got a message from Emily, (whom until August of 2014 I had NEVER met in person.) asking me not to think she was crazy, but Norwex was offering FREE sign up, just pay the shipping, in August. Would I be interested in joining her team? (I thought to myself “what is this some cruel joke?!?!) So I signed up, at least then I would have the household package for SUPER cheap, it would get my husband to stop nagging me & maybe I could convince him to let me go back to direct sales. It was a WIN all around. Little did I know at the time he was just hoping to get my mind off of all of the negative things going on in our lives.

After I reading everything the night my kit came, I stayed up late cleaning my WHOLE house to prove my husband wrong & that these cloths wouldn’t work. Holy cow was I wrong! I loved it so much I decided to “try and sell this stuff.” What did I have to lose?  My husband was skeptical that I could do it, but still on board. My argument was, you got me into this mess in the first place, so if it doesn’t work what are we out? NOTHING!|

That’s where my Norwex Journey began. With us being at a very low point in our lives. That was August 28th, 2013. The day I started my business. Where am I now?

Now I could not imagine our lives without Norwex! It not only saves me time & money but we have eliminated almost all of the chemicals from our home. I have started a great career, we are on our way to that financial freedom we want, I get to stay home with my kids, run a successful business (to which my husband tells me he can’t believe how hard I work & how successful I am with!) & Life is GREAT! Oh, and did I mention that with Norwex my son’s sensory processing is easier to control? Turns out eliminating the chemicals has helped tremendously! ;o)

I attended National Conference for the first time this year and thought “I’m one of those cool people that goes to a conference for direct sales?!? WOW!” I learned a lot, I was moved by the generosity of our company, our leaders & our mission.  It was an AMAZING experience where I was able to grow not only as a consultant but as a person.  Plus I was able to connect with our team more since I sometimes feel all alone out in Indiana.  I set some big goals for my business this year. Goals I NEVER thought I would be setting, let alone achieving! In the back of my mind I thought that was going to work out just like the last company I was with no matter how hard I worked.

I made a goal (at conference) to be a red jacket leader (by August 2015 conference). Little did I know at the time that meant a quadruple promotion in a year!!!  I didn't (& still don't) know all the details of HOW I am going to get there, but I know my WHY. 

I want to help save people save time & money, I want to create more Safe Haven homes without chemicals & I want my team (and I)  to be able to have all they ever wanted in life & more. 

I do my "job" (I use that term loosely because Norwex has never felt like a job, it’s a family.) not only because I want to make safer homes & see others succeed but because I want my children to know that no matter what their dreams are, they can become reality. 

I encourage everyone to do the same thing. Shoot big, shoot high, visualize your dream & make them happen. One step at a time, you can do this.

That is why I made this "not so good graphic, so I can visualize where I want to be. I have set this image to be my desktop background & placed it on my vision board to be a daily reminder of my dream. Because when I see it I believe it.  I am standing with
Pam Altendorf, she is not only the leader of our AMAZING Go Green Team, she & her story are an inspiration, as well as many others leaders on our team. I will be wearing that red jacket. When? I don't know but I do know that I will rock my green jacket (my favorite color & jacket!) until I can replace it with the red jacket.

Dr. Seuss once wrote "And will you succeed? Yes you will indeed. (98 & 1/4 % guaranteed) kid, you will move mountains!" That is my intention & nothing is going to stop me.

Whether you sign up to use for the discount for yourself, work part time, full time or BIG time, Norwex is a company that will change your life FOREVER. I thank God every day that I was offered this opportunity & what it has done for me, my family & my clients. Norwex is an amazing gift.